Do you remember your 10th birthday? Pffft, no chance. We can barely remember Percival’s 10th birthday and that was only the other week. This maybe has something to do with those Picante cocktails that kept coming. Oof, they hit different the next day, let us tell you.

Jake, Jordan and Josh evidently thought this was a “J-Crew” party. Thanks for laughing at our dad joke.
Aaaaaanyway, 10 years. TEN YEARS! Can you believe Percival has been around that long, serving all your embroidered t-shirt, patterned knitwear and Sherlock mac needs? It felt like a good excuse to gather the team – and a few friends of the brand – to clink a spicy tequila cocktail or seven and hug it out.

Bobby Brazier getting on the red wines like a good lad
You may recognise some of these handsome faces from our IG and brand films, but we’re not here to name drop.

Rhys and Harvey from Everyone You Know in some jacquard polos you also should know.
You may also recognise plenty of Percival garms because everyone turned up repping the brand hard.

Sports presenter Josh Denzel about to get a friendly cuffing from actor Allan “Seapa” Mustafa. Maybe.
Our fearless leader Chris Gove was gently encouraged/bullied into giving a very sweet and humble “Speech! Speech! Speech!” in which he recalled how he very nearly went out of business soon after starting up. But now look: we’re absolutely flying.

Presenters David Vujanic and Michael Timbs giving excellent beard and teeth, respectively
As you may have noticed, our 10th year has been our best year so far. And for that we must thank you, the people who buy our garms and say things like “This? It’s Percival, you should check them out” to spread the good word. If we’re ever lucky enough to meet you in person, Gove says there’s a Picante with your name on it to say thanks.

YouTubers Magnus and Danny in matching jumpers and chains – and you’ll recognise Hugh from the 759 photos of him all over our website. Here’s one more.