Cuban Linen Shirt
SS22 Linen Collection
This week we’re launching our SS22 Linen Collection, presented by dance collective Ghetto Funk. Ghetto Funk stands for universal, authentic, raw funk and is made up of Roché, Ruben, Joshua, Yanay, Juan, Imaury and Jinko.
Discover more about Ghetto Funk below…

Tell us a bit about Ghetto Funk Collective and your backgrounds.
Ghetto Funk Collective was founded by Ruben Chi & Roché Apinsa. It originated as “Ghetto Funk”, a dynamic dance duo that started this collective with their love for dance and funk culture. Both have a strong connection to the music and the dance style Locking, which brought them together. Locking is a dance style danced on funk music and originated by the creator Don Campbell from Los Angeles, USA. They have been competing in and winning many international dance battles and earned their stripes within this scene.
After a while Roché & Chi decided to expand their vision and to connect with likeminded people who have the same connection with Funk music and culture and who have a willingness to inspire.
Now the collective consists of various artists with their own distinct expertise and signature who are all connected to the worldwide Funk culture and who represent the Ghetto Funk movement & philosophy.
We consist of dancers, DJ’s, producers, MC’s, creatives and more.
Roche wears Cuban Linen Shirt | Blue

What’s been your highlight of working together so far?
We became a family for life, that is the most important highlight! We always went against the stream, and kept on believing in our own beliefs. This is what gave us power, we never gave up on our own visions even when the odds were against us. In the end, it all fell into place. Going against the stream was the right way, because it was our way. Also, all the accomplishments mean nothing in comparison with the bond that we have created.
What’s next for GFC?
We want to keep on spreading the Funk all over the globe. We will be creative directing some new upcoming music videos from some big artists, and we have some performances planned around the globe in Mexico, Italy, Japan and more.
We are also passing the torch in to the new generation of Ghetto Funk named Ghetto Funk Family. We think it’s important to teach and guide the younger generation in the right direction, with love for what we do. This is why we do what we do, so we can inspire the next generations to come
Keep an eye out on our Instagram page @ghettofunkcollective