Some people believe that all parties are created equal. Well, they are wrong. A summer party is as different to a winter party as Lurpak is to Norpak. The food is puffier, the drinks are inexplicable, the mood is wild. The sunburn inevitable. People will say things that they will regret forever, but no-one will remember so who cares.
Ergo, it is incredibly important that you are dressed correctly for the 18 degree celsius heat-induced madness.
But of course, it all depends on the type of party. Read on…

The Work Summer Party
It could be at your boss’s annoyingly massive house which they bought in 1987 for £1.47. it could be at the Soho House Pigsty, or your work’s sad, sunless courtyard. Either way, this is your chance to show your colleagues that you are more than just a data analyst/strategic thingamabob/ transponder.
You are the Talented Mr Ripley playing jazz in a pale Linen Suit. You are the Talented Mr Ripley faking cheques in Linen Trousers. You are The Talented Mr Ripley savagely murdering his friend on a boat in a knitted polo shirt.
And yes, you are both versions. Matt Damon AND the Hot Vicar.

The BBQ Summer Party
Ready for some lols about burnt raw sausages, saying ‘Me man, me make fire’, and drinking for seven hours before the food is ready?
You could bring a sad potato salad to your BBQ party, or some luminous dips. Or you could impress guests with a cool crochet shirt. Yep, that’s right. Crochet. Watch out, nanas.
Or maybe a sweater vest a la Chanandler Bong. Could you BE anymore stylish?
And of course, shorts. Has anyone ever worn TROUSERS to a barbecue? One man did once. And, well, he died.

The Cocktail Summer Party
Apparently this is a thing! If you are lucky enough to be invited to a Summer Cocktail Party, rather than a Burnt Sausage Party, you’d better be prepared.
Two words. Linen suits. And another word. Loafers.
Now go and enjoy your Aperol Earl Grey Mint 75. Yes it’s a thing!